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Digital Product Passports: A Transparency Revolution in the Fashion Industry

Introducing our hang tags, illustrating a journey from seed to garment, with a simple scan. 

If it is not already, transparency should now be the top priority for any forward-thinking apparel company amidst the evolving challenges of the fashion industry. The vague garment tag we are accustomed to – Made in China, 100% cotton – will soon be history.

The ESPR, Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation, has recently come into force, pushing for reform in the sustainability, circularity, and transparency of our everyday products. This will not just be stirring change within the EU, as it applies to all products sold in the region, holding worldwide manufacturers and distributors responsible (1). This is just one part of what has been called the incoming “Tsunami” of regulation targeting fashion sustainability. In the next two to four years, there are 35 pieces of legislation on the topic forecasted to go into effect across the globe (2).

A key element of the ESPR is the DPP,  Digital Product Passport. In a society where customers are increasingly more informed, and supply systems are threatened by climate change and regional conflicts, production transparency is absolutely necessary for success. Behind each product there is a complex web of development processes through its lifecycle. DPPs will reveal this journey and the accompanying environmental, social, economic, and ethical implications that have long been swept under the rug. Somos Impacto (3) displays the requirements clearly in this infographic: 

DPPs will be mandated on all textile products in the EU by 2030. This does not leave much time for brands to familiarize themselves with the requirements and implement strategies to navigate the upcoming changes. Luckily, brands that work with our OCCguarentee cotton can take a sigh of relief as we willingly provide this data along with all of our products in the form of a QR hang tag. 

We partner with Bcome, a pioneer in applying intelligent methodologies for global sustainability management (4). They provide the knowledge and tools businesses need to make production systems more responsible, efficient, and resilient. We share the vision of a fashion system that benefits both people and the planet, and we are taking grand strides to make this a reality. Because, since the beginning, we have been building an open and honest farming and manufacturing system, collaborating with Bcome to map these data points was a seamless process. 



